DJI Enterprise - ເພໂຫຼ ດ

Gather Data From Multiple Angles

Zenmuse H20N

ເພ ື່ ມິວໄສທັດໃນບື່ ອນມ ດ

Versatile hybrid payload that rises to the occasion

Zenmuse H20 Series

ຄອບຄຸ ມທຸ ກການເຮັ ດພາລະກິ ດ

DJI’s first hybrid sensor solution that bring a whole new meaning to mission efficiency

Zenmuse P1

ໂຟຟໂຕແກຣມມິ ທຟູ ເຟລມ

Designed for photogrammetry flight missions, it takes efficiency and accuracy to a whole new level

Zenmuse L1

ເກັ ບລາຍລະອຽດໂຄງສ້າງ ື່ທຊັບຊ້ອນຢື່ າງແມື່ ນຍໍ າ

complete solution that gives you real-time 3D data throughout the day

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