How DJI Dock Transforms Local Police Aerial Surveillance

The Local Police Department in Malaysia has taken a proactive step to enhance its aerial surveillance capabilities by adopting a comprehensive drone task force using DJI Dock, the autonomous remote drone solution to monitor and safeguard its local town area. This strategic move aims to increase the department’s efficiency in monitoring suspicious and criminal activities.

local police with dji dock
The Local Police Department installed DJI Dock to increase the monitoring and surveillance aspect of its local town

The Local Police Department’s proactive approach to enhancing aerial surveillance involves the deployment of a mobile drone team for various purposes. These tasks include gaining an aerial view during significant events, monitoring traffic flow during holiday seasons, and conducting regular aerial surveillance of key areas. In these scenarios, the mobile drone team was tasked with ensuring public safety, managing crowd control, and enhancing situational awareness. However, these operations required considerable manpower, including 2-3 personnel, who had to drive to the deployment location and launch the drone on-site.

Recognizing the need for a more efficient and centralized approach, the Local Police Department chose to implement the DJI Dock solution. The decision to integrate the DJI Dock into their operations stems from the desire to streamline their surveillance efforts and capitalize on the benefits of a single control centre and launching platform to oversee a vast expanse of the central part of the local town.

personnel monitoring dji dock from flighthub 2
Police personnel are deploying the drone for its scheduled flight mission to monitor the high-risk area

Previously, the department’s mobile drone team had to physically travel to various deployment points, consuming valuable time and resources. Now, the implementation of DJI Dock eliminates the need for personnel to travel to different locations for each operation. This centralized launch platform provides the ability to cover a broad area without the logistical challenges of deploying ground units to multiple sites. By having a dedicated launching platform, the Local Police Department can efficiently respond to dynamic situations, initiate patrols, and monitor events seamlessly. The autonomous capabilities of the drone streamline its flight path and enable it to cover designated areas with precision.

centralized command centre for aerial surveillance
Now with a centralized command centre, the drone task force is capable of deploying drones from a fixed position and covering the entire area.


The implementation of DJI Dock revolutionizes the Local Police Department’s operational preparation. Previously, deploying the mobile drone team necessitated logistical arrangements, including transporting equipment, and personnel, and setting up at each deployment site. With DJI Dock as the central launching platform, this preparation phase becomes remarkably streamlined. From a central command centre, multiple drone flight paths based on specific missions can be set up beforehand while the equipment remains in a fixed location, always ready for rapid deployment. This eliminates the need for a time-consuming setup and ensures that the drones are readily available for immediate use.

Mobile Drone Team DJI Dock
3 teams (minimum 2 personnel per team)Manpower2 personnel at the command centre
Ground personnel need to familiarize themselves
with the area and set up flight paths on the ground before drone deployment
Flight MissionCloud mapping facilitates the situational awareness
of the site environment and flight path can be set up in 3D
Need to mobilize the ground team to the site, set up the drone and deployDeploymentThe drone is deployed from a fixed location and can cover up to 7km radius.
preparing dji dock
Preparing a drone for a surveillance mission is streamlined with DJI Dock

Mission Planning

Efficient mission planning is essential for optimal drone operations. The department’s objectives, such as monitoring high-risk areas during specific hours or responding to incidents, are now seamlessly integrated into the mission planning in Flighthub 2. Flighthub 2 takes into account factors like 3D flight paths, cloud mapping, and real-time data for specific points of interest. As a result, mission plans can be meticulously crafted to address each unique scenario, maximizing the effectiveness of the drone’s surveillance efforts.

mission planning on flighthub 2
Flighthub 2 enhances mission planning by being able to set multiple flight paths for any scheduled monitoring or emergency response

Drone Data Collection

With the DJI Dock in place, the drone’s data collection and live streaming phase becomes a streamlined and automated process. Equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors, the drone captures real-time data, including imagery and live video feeds. The zoom camera resolution of 48MP with 200x hybrid zoom capability elevates the drone operation by providing a more precise image from a distance. This data collection and live monitoring is not only precise but also efficient, as the drone covers designated areas without the need for manual piloting. The advanced capabilities of the drone ensure comprehensive coverage, aiding the Local Police Department in achieving its surveillance objectives.

200x zoom capability from 400 metre
Clear image of the scene captured from a 400m distance with a 200x zoom

DJI Dock Usage Scenario

Scheduled Patrolling

To ensure consistent coverage of high-risk areas, the Local Police Department employs scheduled drone patrols. These patrols are strategically planned to target specific times with higher reported crime rates, such as evenings and nights. Additionally, regular patrolling occurs throughout the day to monitor areas prone to criminal activities. For instance, daily aerial surveillance is conducted over locations like business complexes and industrial areas, contributing to both prevention and immediate response. This approach not only enhances public safety but also helps alleviate workforce efficiency by supplementing manpower with autonomous drone patrols.

scheduling autonomous aerial surveillance
Scheduled flight mission was planned and executed daily

Emergency Response

When an incident occurs, the autonomous drone serves as an initial responder. The drone is rapidly deployed to provide a preliminary overview of the situation, aiding in quick decision-making regarding the mobilization of ground units. Soon to be equipped with a strobe light and a speaker, the drone serves as a mobile presence at the incident site, providing situational awareness to both law enforcement personnel and the public. This immediate response capability supports effective coordination in critical situations.

real-time information aiding the ground team
The image depicts the live update of criminal activities captured by the deployed drone during surveillance. This real-time information has aided the ground team in mobilizing and apprehending the perpetrator

Pinpoint Location for Ground Mobilization

Integrating the DJI Dock significantly improves emergency response efficiency. When an incident is reported, the drone is launched to swiftly reach the scene and gather real-time data. It precisely pinpoints the incident location, allowing the command centre to upload the information and share it with the relevant ground units. This streamlined process reduces response time and facilitates smooth coordination between the drone task force and ground teams. The accuracy of the location data aids law enforcement in effectively addressing incidents and minimizing potential risks.

pinpointing location to the mobile ground team
Personnel on the ground can verify the pinpointed location, thereby enhancing the accuracy of the incident’s location


The Local Police Department’s integration of the DJI Dock has garnered invaluable feedback, affirming the impactful advantages gained from this technological advancement. The feedback received highlights the following key points:

AI Tracking for Enhanced Anomaly Detection and Optimized Patrolling

The incorporation of AI tracking capabilities in the drone solution has been recognized as a critical enhancement. The Local Police Department appreciates the potential to bolster anomaly detection through AI, thus enabling the identification of irregular patterns and behaviours that might otherwise go unnoticed. Furthermore, the optimization of patrolling routes based on historical data could be explored for covering high-risk areas more effectively. This dynamic approach aligns with the department’s commitment to proactive surveillance and ensuring public safety.

Supplementing Manpower and Improving Patrol Execution

One of the standout benefits acknowledged by the Local Police Department is the ability of the autonomous remote drone solution to address manpower limitations. The department has found that the solution effectively fills gaps in the patrolling process. This supplementary role of the drone solution has significantly contributed to maintaining a vigilant watch over key areas, even during periods of resource constraints.

Enhanced Safety During Key Events Through Aerial Surveillance

The client feedback emphasizes the instrumental role played by the autonomous drone solution during important events, particularly during State Elections. The ability to deploy drones to enhance security and monitor potentially sensitive situations has been commended. The solution’s capacity to swiftly provide aerial views and real-time data during such critical events has reinforced safety measures and contributed to the overall security of the administration area.

Aonic’s Support in Implementation

The collaboration with Aonic, Malaysia’s authorized distributor of DJI Enterprise, has proven to be an essential partnership in the successful implementation. Aonic’s expertise, guidance, and support throughout the deployment process have facilitated the seamless integration of the technology within the Local Police Department’s operations. Their involvement has translated into effective utilization of the drone solution, ensuring its alignment with the department’s specific requirements.

aonic is committed to introduce dji dock to the local police
Aonic has been committed to introducing the DJI Dock solution to the local police department

In essence, the integration of DJI Dock aligns with the Local Police Department’s commitment to optimizing their surveillance operations. By integrating drone patrols into their workflows, they are able to achieve a higher level of situational awareness, efficient emergency response, and improved coordination between aerial and ground units. This strategic implementation enhances their ability to ensure public safety during events, holidays, and regular monitoring activities, contributing to an overall safer and more secure environment for the residents of the local town. This case study highlights the potential benefits of incorporating advanced drone solutions in law enforcement operations.

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